
Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Watery Wednesday: Green Eyes

Green eyes gaze,
restful, see...
eternal memories
drifting by....
peaceful gaze,
green eyes see,
hold my gaze 
as I pass by....

I feel green eyes 
absorbing me,
peaceful gaze
of empathy.
green eyes gaze
green eyes see

has more watery images


Hilda said...

You are amazing to have noticed this — it's just perfect!

Michael said...

I see the green eyes too. Nice pictures and poem.

Anonymous said...

this is amazing and i love the way you put beautiful words and photo together.

my watery wednesday involves our trip to caballo lake. perhaps you could stop by my blog and check it out. comments are always appreciated and i will come back to visit your blog on a regular basis.
thanks Ria

Caterina Giglio said...

this is just spectacular!! what a great photo! and wonderful illusion!

Anonymous said...

it really does look like an eye - how cool!

Judy said...

Without your poem, I would not have seen the eyes at all! Thank you!!

Rambling Woods said...

It does look like an eye and the prose in beautiful. How lovely to have an 'eye' yourself to notice such things....Michelle

Lisa said...

Just beautiful!

Barry said...

S You must have felt like the universe was peering at you; and almost speaking to you. What a peaceful inviting spot and image you have captured.B

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