
Tuesday, 12 July 2011


This was taken at the end of May, when we were near Doncaster, South Yorkshire... it's part of the community woodland that was Brodsworth Colliery (closed in 1990). We stayed nearby 4 years ago for a while & this time it was a re-connection.

 Looks really peaceful doesn't it? It is. However, just behind those trees is the motorway & traffic noise is constant.  I walked a path with only a few hawthorns between me & the road & wondered what the trees thought of the noise... the answer seemed to come straight back "what noise, we don't hear it".

I found as I wandered round, that it did cease to exist as i enjoyed the landscape around me... But for the trees, it isn't a case of shutting it out or getting used to it... i really don't think they are aware of it at all... it's beyond their frequency range. They're operating at a much higher level, and perhaps for me the sound disappeared as i walked in a state of semi-meditation.

See those steps by the weir on the left? I sat there one early morning chanting 'Awen' over & over... starting off slowly... consciously... breathing inspiration out to the water & trees, breathing it in from them... but after a while the chant took on a life of it's own and speeded up... became undulating... it had the resonance of another language and I was transported to another place, another time. It was cold & snowy, I was wearing furs, moving between tent like structures covered with skins... like the reflections on the lake it was slightly hazy, real & unreal at the same time...

Same picture, rotated... how many different images do you see from this angle? Patterns, portals, creatures, faces... they were all there before, but changing perspective... like changing consciousness brings unseen things into view. They're all part of our landscape, whether in front of our eyes or in our minds... or elsewhere... How close we look & how deep we go is up to us... by changing the way we look, shifting focus, we can go beyond the surface reflections...

And there further along the bank... a heart... reminding me to follow my heart and look deeper. A heart that is completed by taking notice of what is above & below... our world & otherworlds... real and unreal...


Anonymous said...

a beautiful journey you've just shared, sweet sister.

that rotated piture is just..absolute :)


Suzi Smith said...

I know... was staring into it for ages!

Caterina Giglio said...

oh such gorgeosity, noise or not!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Surreal. Portals. To look at nature from different angles to know what she is whispering to us ... showing us her hidden heart ...

Barry said...

S- the photos tell such a peace-filled tale - and it is correct that if our focus is on the beauty we want to see or hear we can often block the annoyance out. Really taken by the rotated image - did make me look closer and see so much more. I always think we see so much that others don't because of what we want to see and the meanings we want to find - the lovely part of our individual journeys. Go well. B

Hola Weg said...

What a lovely, dreamy post Suzi xx

Rose said...

Love the thought that trees just don't hear our noise pollution.... That we don't disturb their dreaming. Beautiful place and lovely thoughts. I am fascinated by the images you saw as you journeyed and what they might mean to you.

Barb Forrister said...

Suzi, these photos are absolutely magnificent! As is your story. Wonderful to get to that dreamlike state!

Irene said...

Breathtaking photos!

And how amazing it is for nature to form the shape of a heart. :-)

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