This tiny tiny stream, reflecting willows, leads to a secret grove...
overlooked by this tree...
It is h-u-g-e.... with twin trunks each twice as wide as me
(and i'm not thin!)I sat quite a while on a fallen tree,
just listening to birdsong, watching the early morning sunlight &
shadows shadows playing through the leaves....
As I sat, enjoying the beauty
& energy of this place with its statuesque willows,
I felt drawn to move closer to this particular tree...
I noticed the shadows cast by this wild rose...
oh, how I love the briar rose,
but look closer... it is actually growing from this tree...
And growing nearby on this gracious trunk, fungi...
looking like some cyclops eye (except there were several of them!)
... and all the time the shadows played...
I gazed the height of this willow tree, allowing my spirit soar,
I felt the breeze and the sun in my hair
and swayed with her outstretched arms.
I felt the stream tickle my toes
through her roots in the dark, moist earth.
I felt the life that this tree supports
in the rhythm of her heart-song.
Then I became aware of hunters... flitting to & fro,
circling her branches... seeking out food...
A pair of treecreepers...
back & forth with beak-fulls of insects for their brood...
It took ages to get a clear shot...
they were so fast, constantly on the move!