
Friday, 10 December 2010

Return From the Wilderness

Well... where do I start? For the last few weeks I've been in an internet black hole... at least on my mobile network. We've been staying close to Leadhills, the second highest village in Scotland... in a valley with rushing stream, wild heather moorland and a fir plantation at one end...

It snowed the night we arrived which added a touch of sparkle to the hills as the sun smiled. In the days to come we would see the clouds roll over these hills, engulfing each one in turn. We couldn't tell what type of weather was coming until it hit us... lashing rain, drizzle, mist and then more snow all made their way over into the valley bottom, clouds either creeping or surging in fascinating patterns...

At the opposite end of the valley, to the west, was the forest that often had trails of mist weaving through it... 

Elsewhere it was tree-less, apart from an occasional stunted little beauty bravely making a statement... Some would say the landscape was bleak.... but I thought of it as Mother Earth with no make-up on. A wild, rugged beauty that I could appreciate as I wandered...

  It felt an honour to be there, to connect with Earth & Sky. Somehow it feels like I have entered a new cycle of my life... everything that has gone before is stripped away, only the most resilient... necessary... parts of me remain to make the next phase of my journey. Like this landscape that may seem barren, the things that grow deserve to be there and are capable of surviving no matter what the conditions...

Light & shadow painted ever-changing patterns and the stream offered a constant musical accompaniment. A rhythm that sang to my heart and an energy that I could feel with every breath...

And so, we're back in North Yorkshire for a few weeks, or maybe more, with tales to tell & thoughts to share. I'll write more as time goes on. 'Tis good to be back, though I have enjoyed the isolation of the last couple of months.


mel said...

oh -- lovely to see you again!!

what gorgeous photos...can't wait to hear your stories...


Anonymous said...

I love your descriptions - I almost feel like I was there! I especially love your sentence about the snow - that it added "a touch of sparkle to the hills as the sun smiled." Absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

ah wonderful.. nowt like that raw exposure to the elements..bleak at its best :-)

welcome back! nice to see you xx

Suzi Smith said...

good to see you all too.. i'll make my way around to see you eventually, but at the moment i'm a bit reluctant to fall straight back into the internet habit!! (bet it doesn't take long tho, lol xx)

Barry said...

S-great to see you back. Though it looks incredibly cold the wild nature of Scotland always calls me. I think lol is good re internet community. Go well. B

Rose said...

Welcome back! It looks so beautiful in your photos but I bet it was cold! Welcome back *hug*

Laura said...

I view these images with a deep sigh and a full intake of fresh oxygen...sooooo beautiful.
"everything that has gone before is stripped away, only the most resilient... necessary... parts of me remain to make the next phase of my journey." I am learning to dwell in this place many days too...

It's good to have you back to view your corner of the world through your wise eyes my friend:)

Angel.Pearls said...

Beautiful! Eva Sweden

julie said...

What a beautiful post...I also love Mother in all her varies states of glory...thank you for sharing...AND this...this, so resonates with me...

" Somehow it feels like I have entered a new cycle of my life... everything that has gone before is stripped away, only the most resilient... necessary... parts of me remain to make the next phase of my journey"

Thank you for stopping by and sharing in a little bit of my journey...xoxo

Suzi Smith said...

mmm... i think there are many of us stepping into a new phase. Onwards & upwards eh?!

Paula said...

Oh, so wonderful to finally seing you around the virtual blog world again! I do so much appreciate the mail you have sent in between! I had a bit of a rough time. You were in a internet black hole which seems to be a mystic divine wonderland. Big big hug!

Barry said...

S- from our news coverage it is looking pretty cold over your way. Whilst you have had a white Christmas I hope it has been warm and happy. May the time ahead be filled with joy and creativity. Go well. B

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